Photo of Claudia Nose Argentina

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D atospersonales: NAME: Monica NosClaudia DATE OF BIRTH: 27/12/1967 NATIONALITY: Argentina Mail electnico: academic training: graphic designer, graduate Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Buenos Aires. Exhibitions collective participation in the annual Exhibition of the work done on the morphology ctedra career of graphic design at the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism,...

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Photo of Claudia Nose Argentina

D atospersonales: NAME: Monica NosClaudia DATE OF BIRTH: 27/12/1967 NATIONALITY: Argentina Mail electnico: academic training: graphic designer, graduate Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Buenos Aires. Exhibitions collective participation in the annual Exhibition of the work done on the morphology ctedra career of graphic design at the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, UBA, 1991 and 1992. Participate Book Fair Exhibition Center, in the university group show of a book object made during the career of Graphic Design, Federal Capital, April 1993. Participation in the collective exhibition of plastic artists Slovenes Slovenian Cultural Center, RL Falcn, Capital Federal, 1993. Collectively explained in the "First Workshop Sample Visual Range," April 1998. Participation in a group show of painting, drawing, graphic, sculpture, photography and object in the Exhibition Center Historical Museum of the Argentine Army, Federal Capital, from 11 to 23 novimbre, 1998. Participation in the Fiesta Megaexposicin Engraving Exhibition Center Historical Museum of the Argentine Army, from 24 August to 5 September 1999. Participate in a solo show for the tribute and homage to the artist Michael Hutchence in Ozone Club, Buenos Aires on November 26, 1999. Participation in a group exhibition of painting, drawing, graphic, sculpture, photography and object in the Exhibition Center Historical Museum of the Argentine Army, from June 25 to July 4, 2000. Solo show at The Dirty Old Man, resto-bar, Thames 1907, Palermo. December 2002 to February 2003. Participation in a group exhibition of painting, drawing, graphic and photography in Slovenian Cultural Center, RL Falcn, Capital Federal, August 23, 2003. Recibiuna letter of the artist Horace Carden recognition of his work: Dear Claudia: It's been a pleasure walking around very creative and elegant work ppt. It seems wise and intelligent that the National Institute of Parasitologists Dr.Mario Fatala Chabn uses his talent to sensitize the population on Chagas disease. Thanks for sharing all sto me. Sincerely, Horacio Card, June 2005. Realizel improvement courses actualizaciny course "Effective communication and Driving Group" National System of Higher Capacitacin formation program at the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP), October 1994. Program course Realizel Superior formation: "An Introduction to State reform" in the INAP, November 1994. Course of "vision strategic purposes of computer science" in the INAP, April 1995. Realizel bimestal course of "airbrush in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, UBA, October and November 1995. EstudiDibujo and Painting with Professor Gonzalez Mora stimulus of Fine Arts, 1995. Computacin Course: DOS, Windows and Word for Windows "issued by the Computational Center of the Ministry of Health Capacitacin and social action, in November. 1995. Egresde Graphic Design career at UBA in December 1995. Postgraduate course Realizel "Silk Screen" in the College of Fine Arts "Ernesto de la Crcova", second quarter 1996. Superior formation Course Program "organization, Grupo and Leadership", in INAP, May 1996. Curs: "How to integrate effective teams" in the National Chagas Institute Dr. Mario Fatala Chabn ", issued by the National Capacitacin INAP, December 1996. Corporate CursIdentidad "in the INAP, September 1997. Realizel techniques course Polyester Resin by Professor Guadalupe Pardo.1997. Operator Realizel Excel course at the Ministry of Health and Social Accion, October and November 1999. Asistial seminar Design of Web Pages with management in Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash for Macintosh MaxNews, Buenos Aires, August 1999. Realizel Power Point course in ANMAT, September 2000 EstudiPintura with the plastic artist Prof. Julio Flores, from June 1996-2000 inclusive. Macromedia Pack Realizel course, edition of web pages in the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the University of Buenos Aires, March and April 2002. Apple Asistial seminar, Grafica, Video and Digital Animation, Centro Cultural Borges, 1 and 2 April 2003. Realizel current collections of the National Museum of Fine Arts at the National Museum, October and November 2004. Realizel General Course of History and Art: From Antiquity to the Renaissance in crisis National Museum of Fine Arts, March to November 2005. Realizel General Course of History and Art: From Baroque to post-Impressionism at the National Museum of Fine Arts, March to November 2006. Realizel General Course of History and Art, Part III: The Twentieth Century at the National Museum of Fine Arts, March to November 2007. Awards and Honors Honorary Mention for work selected by the ctedra of morphology of the career of Graphic Design at the University of Buenos Aires, on the proposal and realization level, 1991 . Mention of Honour for work selected by the ctedra of morphology of the career of Graphic Design at the University of Buenos Aires, the level of proposal and realization, 1992.

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